Wednesday, April 13, 2011


      Full moon happens when the sun and the moon are facing opposite, being in opposite direction from an earth perspective. It happens every 28days and
Unlike day and night, Full moon happens at the same Universal time regardless of  time zone ..(its seen everywhere in the world on the same night.)

I've nurtured a personal mystified obsession with the moon for years now and I recently decided to find out if I had OCD or I was just a cat with a boring life.

Thankfully (sighs),So many myths surround this beautiful phenomena..

Here's some of them

     ¤It is said ...

... that people are especially happy on full moon or just outright moody...

... that if full moon is surrounded by a haze, a person dies ...

... that you raise your hat three times to the moon (being a man) or you make a curtsey (being a woman), in order to protect yourself from misfortune until the next full moon ...

... that whoever does not chink glasses with full moon at least once, does not deserve any happiness [Greek toast] ...

... that he who drinks alcohol at full moon, knows no moderation ...(Aaha!)

... that full moon influences our sleep. According to a an opinion poll this is what 39% of people believe ...

... that clear water, if poured into a jar and positioned in full moon light at night, will grant astonishing beauty, if you use this water for washing your face the day after [from Croatia] ...(Hope for the beauty-challenged...)

... that warts disappear, if one lets a snail crawl over it at full moon.. ( I totally disagree with this one)

... that for breast enlargement , the virgin (!) has to immerse her naked breast in the glow of full moon light at midnight (from a book of witchcraft) ...( Ah!! Why would a virgin need enlargement? *raised eyebrows)

...That more babies are born on full moon
And that a child born during a full moon should live a long and healthy life. This is the time when the moon's energy is strongest and full of magick power... ( Make that baby on a full moon too)

....that if a young girl sat on a gate or stile to welcome the new moon, she would see her future husband in her dreams that night. (This should be better than waiting for one of the frogs to turn!)

... that you can cleanse and energise crystals and gem stones energetically in full moon light ...(Put the fire back in your Sapphires)

... that one should not make important decisions at full moon ...(Except its Life and Death)

... that all the body ingests during full moon, is much better absorbed, for example vitamins, nourishing creams, but likewise toxins ...

.... that Crabs mate at fullmoon and deposit their fertilized eggs in the ocean... (Some guy has actually studied this one)

.....That werewolves  transform at full moon and mate under its full glow..(To make new black werebabies)

     ¤Astrologers (or is it Physicists??) have also found that at Full moon there's a change in ocean tides and the waves are usually at their most turbulent at such times... This is (in a twisted way my mind can't fathom) the basis for some form of energy change...

    This fascination with the moon by man is rooted deep .... Soo much that a group of very specially minded people decided to name a Sex Position after full moon....for safety and sanity i will not describe this very creative position.

    Myth or no,Its a Half moon tonight!! Just a perfect Hemisphere...and am counting already (the calendar says its 5days left..Woohoo)...Maybe I'll just get real lucky and transform my sensual thoughts into a Dreamy Kiss under the Moonlight!(Any takers???)
(You can look out for the next one on the 18th of this Month..Even if you don't get lucky, you will at least Witness the beauty and glory of it (breathtaking!I tell you)... And a silent Wish couldn't hurt too.)

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